Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Unversal Health Scare

Online today, I searched Google to attempt to find a Republican plan for Heath Care. Believe it or not, I found one(read for yourself:;contentBody). It's a simple, four-page PDF document that doesn't offer a massive revamp of the health care system, but a modest remodel of the system already in place. Instead of single payer plans, they offer tax cuts and rebates for families and offer extended family coverage to under-25 year old kids. In addition, they offer discounts for those who are lower income and of lower classes.

Tax cuts? Rebates? Discounts? Sounds like the same FAILED policies that You-Know-Who was passing years ago. However, that's to be expected from a party that cannot learn from it's mistakes. Since the September 11th attacks, Republicans have been running on "Fear and Smear" tactics to scare the populous into submission. Attacked, they use "Shame and Blame" tactics to play the victim and attempt to reverse responsibility through outright lies or fabrication and misrepresentation of facts.

No more.
No more will the majority remain silent on the apparent lies told by self-serving politicians. The Republicans, now out of power and apparent options, can now feel the cold sting of truth numbing away their hot, bile-filled falsehoods. So now they are in scramble mode to salvage any chance of winning an election in 2012, and they will throw away the well-being of the very people to do it. They will put their remaining faithful on the chopping block just to prove the Democrats as ineffective. Why? To protect their interests, to protect their power, and protect their corporate friends.

Those of you of the conservative persuasion will not believe me. They will see me as false, they will brand me a liar because I do not hold the same values as them. I do not watch the same news, listen to the same talk show, or think the same thoughts. However, my concern extends to all men, which is why I tell them not to fear this new government more than the old one. I would petition all to be cautious, because we are who the government should fear. We should not fear our government, no matter who is in charge.

That said, the people who would tell you Obama is going to kill your parents or grandparents, that he is going to make people drop their insurance are lying to you. The cost will not increase under single payer health care, because we are already paying so much under the current plan due to the amount of health care being defaulted on right now. And guess who pays that cost the hospitals cannot? You.

Here is Obama's health care plan( It's a little longer, but worth at least reading. It is imperative that we as a people educate ourselves. Don't take Obama's word for it. Don't take the Democrat's word for it, don't take the Republican's word for it. Don't even take my word for it. Find facts for yourself, come to your own conclusion. Read, research, review, and then decide. Remember we are the gatekeepers of this country. 400+ years ago the forefathers of this country fed the tree of liberty the blood of the tyrants and traitors. Those who would put the needs of themselves above the need of the masses are traitors. Those who abuse the power given to them by the people to serve themselves are tyrants.

And when they forget who they serve, it is time to water the Tree of Liberty.

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