To The American People is a series about speeches and essays I have written about the condition and state of America, from my own perspective. I don't pertain to know everything about politics, or the truth in general. What I can do is share with everyone what I know in my heart as true and just. This first speech is something I wrote several years ago when Bush was in office. I feel that the words in this speech still hold truth about our society even today. I hope you take something away from this that adds to your perspective on the path our country is taking.
First of all, I would like to say power to the people. To the people who cannot afford to take time off work to speak out. To those who fear to stand up and be counted. To those we've lost in the struggle through death or ignorance. We are the heartbeat of America.
Now, before I start this speech, let me say that the troubles in America have no color. This is not a meddling with black people problem, or a middle America problem. It is a middle class problem. It is an undereducated middle school problem. It is an underdeveloped inner city problem which leads to a poor, destitute, and listless people problem.
Some people think that the answer is a simple as exposing the problem, but we've been exposing the problem for decades and it has done next to nothing. Nothing but the deaths of the era's prophets. Government's answer to liberal change is conservative violence. Romans killed Jesus for radical thinking, Martin Luther King Jr. was killed for radical thinking, and so was Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton. The Kennedy's were killed for their support of radical thinking. All to teach us that radical thinking is dangerous. And they are right! Our minds are dangerous to them because of their potential to change the world. Our minds see that America's problems are only half the problem.
The indifference in America that perpetuates stereotypical views. That is the other half of the equation. The "Poor People Are Lazy" stereotype. The "Minorities Are Criminals" stereotype. Most importantly, the "People In America Have No Power" stereotype. Since the last time people got together to overcome injustice, we ourselves have sit idly by too long whole injustice overcomes us again. Our forefathers rose up and said "We wont take it anymore!" Now is the time to be heard again!
Today is a new day in the new year for new change. Personally, my New Year's resolution was to start a New Year's Revolution to stop the political pollution that plagues our society. It's time to rid ourselves of the purchased politicians, the cronies in the White House, and the underbelly of corruption that kills poor people nationwide and abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan. War is easy behind a desk, but it is hard to fight in the trenches, both in the desert and the homeland. Right now, we are losing the War in Iraq as well as the War on Equality.
The working class is only as valuable as the number of zeroes on their paychecks to the American Government. So we as a people must ban together to help one another as brothers to rebuild this nation by the people and for the people once again! We refuse to let our society be led like cattle to graze on the falsehoods and lies perpetuated by the powers that be!
The American Government is over 200 years old, still an infant in the eyes of the world. Still an infant in the eyes of the people as well. In regards to equal treatment of Native Americans, the equality of African Americans, the suffrage of women, and the ongoing struggles of the poor, minority, and middle class families from the past to today, the government has never been able to clean up it's own mess. Since this infant, this child had it's hands on the working class parent's hard earned money, it's been buying new toys to play with instead of taking care of it's responsibilities. Meanwhile, the mess we live in remains. There are only two solutions to this problem: Either make the kid clean it up, or do it for him.
For decades, America continues to collect new weapons to "protect" us, but still outfits troops with cheap and outdated armor. They explore the depths of outer space for aliens, but neglect the people who actually like it here by leaving them impoverished. They would rather buy guns for your children to kill before they buy books for them to learn. The time to depend on our congressman, senator, and other officials is over! It is time to reclaim the power of our forefathers gave to us in the constitution, Bill of Rights, and Amendments. It is time for Americans to TAKE BACK AMERICA!!